Thursday, 25 September 2008

Overview of research outcomes

An article providing an overview of the outcomes of this research project has now been published online in the Human Rights Law Review, The weblink is

The printed version of this article will be available at the beginning of March 2009. The reference is (2009) 9 Human Rights Law Review 37-60

Friday, 22 August 2008

Essay on form of judgments in the Strasbourg Court

You will find a link below to an essay on the form of judgments in the Strasbourg Court intended for an edited collection examining the contribution of forms of judgment to the work of a number of United Kingdom, overseas and international courts. It flows from a seminar in the University of Oxford in June 2008 in honour of Lord Bingham of Cornhill.

The essay is copyright Robin C A White, and may not be quoted without the express permission of the author. It is included here to provide a preview of material which will in due course appear in M Andenas and S Vogenhauer (eds) A Matter of Style? The Form of Judgments in the United Kingdom and Abroad: Essays in Honour of Lord Bingham of Cornhill, Hart Publishing, 2009 forthcoming.